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“Before working with MaxGen  Labs I used other labs that were very complex and very difficult to get the information… The best benefit I’ve seen with my patients is that once they see the report and they understand what problems they may have, it’s easier for them to maintain the protocols I devise for them. They really understand why I’m making the recommendations. This is unique to them, and I think it’s really important to personalize the treatment specifically for each patient.”

Howard Benedikt, DC

“I knew MaxGen Labs was right for me and my practice when we started using them and we started getting these “aha” moments with people that helped them break through to the next level in their healing. MaxGen is the best at making it easy for practitioners as well as consumers.”

Don Thompson, DC, CFMP, DACBN, DABCI

“I knew the MaxGen panel was for me when I saw the report and saw the amount of detail not only for the number of SNPs being tested, but also how it was organized and explained in such a way that I could easily interpret and give results to the patients.”

Dr. David Berger, Holistic Pediatrics & Family Care